The Do You Have Anxiety? test is an assessment tool designed to help you better understand your anxiety levels. It helps you discover how sensitive you are to the anxiety and stress factors in your daily life. The questions in the test address various symptoms of anxiety, providing a deeper perspective on your mental and emotional health. While allowing you to confront your own thoughts and emotional reactions, the Do You Have Anxiety? test also serves as a guide to help you manage stress more effectively in your life. Remember, the results of this test are not a substitute for a professional evaluation but can be a helpful first step in raising awareness about your anxiety level.
I often feel anxious and uneasy in my daily life.
Uncertain or unexpected situations make me uncomfortable.
I feel tense or nervous in social settings.
I constantly worry about the future.
Even small things can make me anxious immediately.
Thinking about a problem makes it hard for me to sleep.
I struggle with fulfilling my daily responsibilities.
I often feel muscle tension or tightness in my body.
I frequently think that bad things could happen.
Trying something new or adapting to change is difficult for me.
I find it hard to handle unexpected events.
When faced with problems, I immediately think of the worst-case scenario.
The idea of speaking in public makes me very anxious.
Throughout the day, I constantly worry about something.
Even the smallest mistakes make me feel bad.
I often think about negative experiences from the past.
I’m afraid of making mistakes in my responsibilities at work or school.
Being alone or going somewhere alone makes me anxious.
I often experience anxiety symptoms like palpitations or shortness of breath.
Unplanned changes make me feel uneasy.
I can’t feel comfortable in crowded places.
I constantly wonder what others think of me.
I feel a fear of failure when starting a new job or project.
I have a strong fear that things might spiral out of control.
My mind is constantly occupied by fears or worries.